Toon Squad

Overview of Toonopoly

For the 7th Toonsgiving, Tommy and Matt decided to design Toon Squad's very own custom Monopoly game. This contains Toon Squad properties and money, with the chance, community chest, and tokens, all containing inside jokes and references to the group.


Quick Scroll

Chance Cards Community Chest Cards Hot Tubs/Pools Truck Gang Friendzone Taxes Tokens Vehicles Money

Brown Properties

Light Blue Properties

Pink Properties

Orange Properties

Red Properties

Yellow Properties

Green Properties

Dark Blue Properties

Chance Card

Chance Cards

The chance cards are taken with the same exact actions, as the original Monopoly game, just with our own twist. For instance, in the original game, a chance card could read: "Bank pays you dividend of $50", our Toonopoly chance card would read "Your wife makes you sell your PS5 to GameStop, receive $50". Below are all the chance cards in Toonopoly. The picture on all chance cards is a common friend of Toon Squad named (you guessed it) Chance.

Community Chest Card

Community Chest Cards

The community chest cards operate the same as the chance cards, in that they are the same as the regular Monopoly set, just with our own inside jokes. Interesting fact, the community chest cards are more likely to give you money. The community chest cards all display the great Fortnite chest.

Community Chest Card 1 Community Chest Card 2

Hot Tubs and Pools

Houses and hotels have been swapped out for Toonopoly's own, hottubs and pools. These offer the same prices and rents, but with the added Toon Squad spice. With the hot tub being the location of where the group started, it being paired with a bigger pool, this decision was a no brainer.

Truck Gang

Just parking has been converted to "Truck Gang" in Toonopoly. This is a callback to high school, when most of Toon Squad would drive their trucks to school and all park together.

Friendzone and Go To Friendzone

The jail for Toonopoly has been converted to "friendzone", with one of the greatest pictures of Connor we have. Also, the "Go To Jail" has been converted to "Go to Friendzone" with a picture of Jonny streaking at a high school football game.

Gas Stations

The Monopoly utilities have been swapped out for "Gas Stations". A staple of Toon Squad as always been the Maveriks, which are located everywhere around the state. And who could forget, the great Eagles Landing. A must stop for anyone traveling south.


The taxes of boring old Monopoly have been switched out for classic inside jokes for the group. Income tax has been converted to "Kahoot Tax", a call back to the infamous time of asking for $2 from everyone in the group to help fund Toonsgiving. And property tax has been replaced with "That'll be $4", referencing the time Matt and Tommy played pool at Weber State that didn't turn out to be free.


The tokens were all 3D printed, and designed in order to perefectly capture each Toon Squad member. They are all pictured below. (Just the inspirations for the tokens, im not taking a picture of every little token sorry)


The railroads of Monopoly has been switched out for various Toon Squad vehicles. These include Mitch's mustang, Connor's motorcycle that was pushed half a mile for a prank, the classic "Toonsmobile", Trent's old minivan that charted the group around during the first Toonsgiving, and finally, Tommy's bus. This was the bus that Tommy lived in for a good while.


And finally, the money. All money has been customed design, with a different Tune Squad member on it.