First Annual Toonsgiving
Widely regarded as the most iconic Toonsgiving of all time. The first annual Toonsgiving paved the way for Toonsgivings for years to come. Held at Mitch’s home, members of Toon Squad all brought food and set multiple traditions. Upon discussion it would be decided that space jam attire with a suit coat overtop would be the attire. Hayden brought delicious candied yams that had to be drained on the way over to avoid spilling. Asking who would be doing grace and Tommy licking food off his fingers would be among the long lasting traditions set on this historic night. The pinnacle of the night was when Toon Squad (all 13 in attendance) all piled in the Toonsmobile to go to Walmart for whipped cream. Once inside Walmart, Elijah would retrieve the whipped cream and be carried through the store to the checkout. Piling back in the Toonsmobile, the members of Toon Squad headed back to Mitch’s house and exited the van as announced, basketball style. The Toonsmobile would later be put to rest. The members of Toon Squad finished the night by watching Space Jam.