
First Annual Toonsgiving

First Annual Toonsgiving

Widely regarded as the most iconic Toonsgiving of all time. The first annual Toonsgiving paved the way for Toonsgivings for years to come. Held at Mitch’s home, members of Toon Squad all brought food and set multiple traditions. Upon discussion it would be decided that space jam attire with a suit coat overtop would be the attire. Hayden brought delicious candied yams that had to be drained on the way over to avoid spilling. Asking who would be doing grace and Tommy licking food off his fingers would be among the long lasting traditions set on this historic night. The pinnacle of the night was when Toon Squad (all 13 in attendance) all piled in the Toonsmobile to go to Walmart for whipped cream. Once inside Walmart, Elijah would retrieve the whipped cream and be carried through the store to the checkout. Piling back in the Toonsmobile, the members of Toon Squad headed back to Mitch’s house and exited the van as announced, basketball style. The Toonsmobile would later be put to rest. The members of Toon Squad finished the night by watching Space Jam.

Second Annual Toonsgiving

This was the first Toonsgiving after graduating high school which left several members of Toon Squad in various locations. Toonsgiving was once again held at Mitch’s house and the night was full of laughs and gags. This being the second Toonsgiving, those in attendance started to figure out the usual routine of the night.

Second Annual Toonsgiving
Third Annual Toonsgiving

Third Annual Toonsgiving

This is widely regarded as the most unique Toonsgiving to date. Because of Covid-19 large gatherings were largely discouraged, and Toonsgiving suffered its lowest attendance to date. However it did not disappoint. Everyone decided to park at the park n ride near Mitch’s home so people didn’t know there was more than 10 people together. Toon Squad replaced the classic home cooking, potluck style meal and each brought fast food of their own choice. Parker also announced that Ember would be joining us by next Toonsgiving. This would also complete Mitch’s threepeat of hosting Toonsgiving, solidifying his place as one of the greatest hosts in history.

Fourth Annual Toonsgiving

The 4th annual Toonsgiving would serve as a monumental stepping stone to pave the way for Toonsgivings of the future for several different reasons. This was the first Toonsgiving to not be held at Mitch’s house and would be held at Tommy’s. This would also serve as the first Toonsgiving that openly invited wives/girlfriends to attend. Most importantly this would kick off the Toonsgiving slideshow era that would largely include Matt and Tommy to do most of the planning and coordination for the night. The members of Toon Squad met at exactly 6:53 to feast and enjoy each other’s presence. This would be the first Toonsgiving since Space Jam 2 came out so the Space Jam merchandise was in an abundance. Looney Tunes wrapping paper served as a tablecloth and Space Jam merchandise was set on top of the table. Each member also signed a Space Jam poster as proof they attended. Following dinner Toon Squad would head downstairs for powerpoint night (it would take extra force to get Connor downstairs). The powerpoints made by Tommy and Matt would prove to be pivotal in the future of Toonsgivings. The first slideshow was Ex-Toons starting five, and the second was Toon Squad as tik toks. Both powerpoints were uploaded to the Toon Squad Google Classroom and later in this scrapbook for future generations to see and enjoy. Following the powerpoints the members of Toon Squad wound down to classic Looney Tunes.

Fourth Annual Toonsgiving
Fifth Annual Toonsgiving

Fifth Annual Toonsgiving

The 5th annual Toonsgiving was one of the best to date and was very similar to the 4th in many aspects. Members met at 6:53 at Tommy’s house. Connor threw a fit the day of that it wasn’t held at his house. This was also the second Toonsgiving in the Matt and Tommy slideshow era. Tommy played the national anthem on guitar to kick off the night. This was the first Toonsgiving where best dressed and best dish was voted upon downstairs with Tommy winning best dressed and Ethan and Shaylee’s jalapeño poppers won best dish. The introduction powerpoint downstairs announced the 2027 10th annual Toonsgiving cruise (see later in the scrapbook). The slideshows included the introduction powerpoint, the Toon Squad as Diary of a Wimpy kid slideshow and the rice purity test guesses, and the ex-toons starting five was revisited. The crowning event of the night was the slander video and kahoot which were great additions to the night. Ty won the kahoot game in an overtime thriller against Ryker. This Toonsgiving was also the first with the Toonsgiving scrapbook that was passed around and to be kept for future generations. Mitch also joined the planning committee shortly after.

Sixth Annual Toonsgiving

The 6th annual toonsgiving (or the Toon Gala) was best dressed and took place at the LDS church building. The Toonsgiving Building Reservation Committee was able to get the building set up and ready to accommodate all 21 people in attendance that night, which would break the record for the largest attendance to date. In preparation Matt and Tommy hand delivered invitations to each member. The Toonsgiving Award Committee planned and coordinated trophies that would be presented to each member. The table and room was decorated with space jam plates, cups, napkins and balloons. After a lovely dinner Ethan presented his powerpoint of how long each member would last after being kidnapped and how they’d escape. Tommy and Matt presented the intro slideshow, facebook video, google forms, award ceremony and slander video. Following the slideshows the members of Toon Squad played a game of hide and seek throughout the church and a game of basketball in the gym, where Will hit the game winning buzzer beater.

Sixth Annual Toonsgiving
Seventh Annual Toonsgiving

Seventh Annual Toonsgiving

The 7th annual Toonsgiving was held at Ray Citte RV in Roy. This Toonsgiving had 19 in attendance and dress was any jersey with the theme being game night. Starter packs for each member were handed out prior to eating and following dinner the group headed to the computer room upstairs. There the introduction slideshow was given followed by jeopardy, toon slander 3, twitter slander, and bingo. The crowning gem of the night was the creation of the board game Toonopoly (Toon Squad themed Monopoly) which was presented then shown to the group in person after. Toonopoly consisted of locations, tokens, chance, community chest cards, and inside jokes that represented Toon Squad.