
Amethyst Lake Backpacking Trip

Toon Squad went backpacking to Amethyst Lake. The group went fishing and swimming in the lake. On the way down Connor sprained his ankle (supposedly) and had to be helped the rest of the way down.

Animation Adventure
High School Football picture


Moab is the most famous location for boy's trip, which they have gone to several times now. Notable events have included exploring Arches and Canyon lands National Parks, Mesa arch at sunrise, overpriced Blue Pig in downtown Moab and other hikes. Sitting around the fire cooking food and talking is a necessity for any trip especially Moab.

Capital Reef

Capital Reef trip was instantly an all time favorite. This trip included a hike to Lower Calf Creek Falls and swimming at the waterfall. The group explored around camp and played with their samurai swords they bought at Eagle's Landing gas station in Scipio.

Animation Adventure
High School Football picture

White Pine Lake Backpacking

This trip was done shortly after high school in the mountain range between Logan and Bear Lake. The group backpacked in and did a variety of activities including fishing, shooting, and hide and seek.

Bear Lake

Bear Lake trip took place at Citte's cabin in Bear Lake. We rode up in the party bus and stopped at Walmart for a Shrek cake and fishing licenses. Once at Bear Lake we went fishing at a small pond and cooked our fish.

Animation Adventure